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I help organizations optimize their products, services and design teams via experience design.

Great Organizations I have worked with in the past

About Me

My background in Architecture and Semiotics has parlayed my passion for user-centric design into my roles as a User Experience practitioner over the past ten years. An award-winning designer and creative problem-solver, I have led and collaborated with high-performing teams in companies ranging from startups to multinationals and agencies.

I have placed in the Top 5  Cannes Young Lions Competition (Media category) and has facilitated Product Design and Service Design workshops for universities, private institutions and practitioners. I am an Industry-Partner-in-Residence for the University of Toronto’s UXD program and continue my work in mentoring up-and-coming UX and tech students.
Image of majid behboudi

Work inquiry, question or something else?

Contact me at majid.behboudi@gmail.com    |   +1 647 400 2082