QuantFinance and beyond


Lead Product Designer
Riskfuel is a Startup highly focused in the derivative markets, Riskfuel uses AI to make valuation and risk sensitivity calculations 1,000,000x faster, cheaper and more accurate. They are a bootstrapped startup with a highly talented group of AI researchers, Quantitative finance Researchers, Stock traders, and Quantum computer people.
As being their first designer on their team, before jumping into the client ask, I spent time with the Key members (Founder - Ryan and Sergei - Ex-ElementAI ) on what are their ambitions, immediate needs, and key milestones. It helped the team understand the steps required and the importance of healthy foundations.

We divided the work into 2 stages

Brand + Marketing

The branding process typically takes months, not due to design exploration and testing, but mainly due to stakeholder disagreements and cascading effects of members Vetoing each other. The beauty of smaller groups is the ability to expedite the process and remove formality assets (decks and presentation materials), which led us to a light frame branding exercise.
Industry Audit
After reviewing the RISK industry and their competitors, it was evident that we had to look at other sectors within their periphery to set a higher baseline.
We sought inspiration from IBM, McKinsey, and Goldman Sachs
Brand Personality
Brand Elements
Marketing Collateral
Pitch deck
Social Media
Service/Product offering

It is critical to understand that the startup's value proposition is a service that converts Financial organizations models using AI to make valuation and risk sensitivity calculations 1 million times faster. The product/sales demo is vital for the sales workflow for organizations to see the impact visually.

The goal of the demo is to display the power of the engine and not the platform. The platform would act as the key sales tool that takes a concept to reality.
The team had a quick dashboard whipped together, which was successful, and now we wanted to take it a few notches up with conferences approaching and key prospect meetings.

We also reviewed dashboards that our end-customers use today

Dashboard considerations

Modular Dashboard
4K to iPad screens
Colour blind

With that in mind, we gravitated towards utilizing Carbon design due to exceptional documentation and sketch/react files.

Modular Dashboard

Widgets are the cards or tiles that are placed on the dashboard to house the specified data.

Page structure
Depending on the device size the number of columns and rows would differ. Mobile would have multiple rows(due to scrolling), desktop 2 rows(no scroll) and Max screen 3 rows(no scroll) to maximize screen real estate.

Recursive Grids
When creating page layouts for the dashboard. The page utilizes recursive grids to allow a multitude of layout options.

Widget Anatomy
Widgets will always have a header and body section.

Widget Dimensions
All widgets should be test on the minimum(1x) dimension and then developed for larger dimensions.

4K to iPad screens
Colour blind

The majority of UI elements used in the platform are grey-tones and would not require any changes for colourblindness. The colours that are not understandable are reds and greens. Once the user selects the accessible settings it would convert the green colours to blue colours.

The Dashboard has been presented to multiple stakeholders, and now we are in process to implement the feedback for GTC conference and Quantminds conference

Work inquiry, question or something else?

Contact me at majid.behboudi@gmail.com    |   +1 647 400 2082